
Promoting Websites and Blogs For Free

I mentioned promoting your blog a bit earlier. Once you setup your blog, nobody knows about it. A good idea is to submit it to blog directories. Some of these directories restrict the submission of newly created blogs. There are also plenty of free website directories. Many have paid listings, which generally means a faster listing and a better rank among other websites on the directory. You could also submit to search engines, but search engine spiders do a good job of eventually finding your site and listing it.
An interesting way of promoting your blog is through social bookmarking websites like Digg, Reddit, Del.icio.us, or Netscape. It's a good idea to do this when you have something interesting to say. If your blog is about computer games for children, perhaps you could compile a list of top 10 children's computer games for the holiday season or something and review each game. The more controversial and recent the subject, the more likely your submissions will get more views and your blog will get more traffic (see: buzz marketing). You can also submit your own press releases via PRWeb.
If you frequent any message boards or forums, place a link to your blog in your signature. Just be wary of the rules because on some forums this isn't allowed. The more you contribute to the forum overall, the better this technique works.
You can do link trades with other blogs. This arrangement is usually approached directly and informally, but there are some places on the web dedicated to connecting webmasters and bloggers together so they can do link trades.

There are many other ways you can promote your blog. Build Hubs or Squidoo lenses about similar content and link back to your blog. Answer questions related to your blog's content and include a link to your blog for more information (i.e. "What gift should I get my child this Christmas?" and include a link to your blog post on the top 10 chidren's computer games). Be creative.


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