
One of the best ways to make money blogging - PublishMyArticles.com

One of the best ways to make money blogging - PublishMyArticles.com

In the past few months I have posted a lot of advice on how to make money blogging. From how you can "make money using top commentators blog list" to "2 Ideas to make an automatic passive money with your blog". But of out of all of my advice on monetizing your blog, I think the one I'm about to share with you is one of the best ways to make money by blogging if you don't have the time or skill to continue come of with new content.

I am talking about a new site called, "PublishMyArticles.com".

You as a publisher can earn money without even writing a review or creating your own content. You only need to post  PublishMyArticles.com advertisers articles on your blog.

Note: This may not be for every one. If you set on being totally independent of outside influence on your blog then you make consider this unethical.

For those of you who's primary purpose is make money off your blog, then this opportunity me be just what you are looking for.

"How Much Can I By Pasting Articles On My Blog?"

The amount you earn depends entirely on your pagerank.

  • Page Rank 1: $2 USD
  • Page Rank 2: $3 USD
  • Page Rank 3: $4 USD
  • Page Rank 4: $5 USD
  • Page Rank 5: $6 USD
  • Page Rank 6: $7 USD...and so 
So if your blog is a page rank 4, it is possible that you could copy and paste 5 articles per day and make  $20. I don't know about you, but I think that this is one of the best ways to make money off your blog if you are limited on time and want to make some fast and easy money.


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